Incidence of cybercrime in India is increasing day by day. A fastest growing area
Cyber Crime is defined as any illegal activity that uses a computer as its primary means of
commissions. According to NCRB data after U.S.A and China, India ranked third in
malicious activity. Need, Opportunity and Rationalization give birth to cybercrime. Threats
of cybercrime involve financial loss, legal repercussion, disclosure of confidential
information, Reputational damage, inability to deliver critical service, time wastage, etc.
Cybercrime is classified on basis of legal prospective, nature of crime and other. Methods of
cybercrime include Cyber Stalking, Domain Names, Cyber-Squatting, Cyber-Extortion,
Cyber-Cheating, Cyber-Warfare, Cyber-Terrorism, Phishing and Vishing. Most popular
methods are Cyber Stalking, Domain Names and Cyber Squatting. To prevent cybercrime
GoI has launched National Cyber Security Policies in 2013. Cyber Crime in India are
registered under three main head i.e., IT Act, The IPC (Indian Penal Code) and State Level
Legislations (SLL).
Legal prospective, Cyber Stalking, Cyber Squatting